First, an apology. I fully implied to regularly post here but the inspiration hasn't really hit me much. I'll try and do it more but I'm pretty busy of late.
So, down to business. I went to see Does it Offend You, Yeah? in London Yesterday and I'll tell you about all that in a minute because first up were 2 support acts I thought deserved a mention.
First to play were Housse De Racket
They're 2 French guys festooned in such dazzling whites you'd think they lived on Cleaner Close. Obscure product placement aside, they were simply astounding. My Pizza Hut chef hat with "DOES IT OFFEND YOU, YEAH?" scrawled across the front in Biro was physically blasted from my head when the bass first kicked in. You hear this cross between Daft Punk and classic Euro-pop and can't believe it's being made by these 2 guys, one playing a white flying V and a classic Korg and the other on drums, and an iMac. They're highly danceable, just the right amount cheesy and they sing in French, which makes them fantastic in my book.
Next up was TRIP
TRIP is a group consisting of the sort of people you spend most of your life avoiding and at first they sounded like they were playing just the sort of music you'd expect those people to play. But then, after two or three songs, when the synth player (the chaviest geek there is) started to get into the flow of things, something else emerged. Rather than trying to be The Streets, the lead singer (TRIP? I never worked out how that whole thing worked) became a guy with a great sense of humour and enough observational prowess to right a great song about waiting for an Olympic Breakfast. Yeah, they're a little chavvish, yeah some of their riffs are a bit generic but you can't deny their charm when that synth gets into gear.
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