Saturday, 20 March 2010

White Rabbits - It's Frightening

(this is a spotify link, click it if you have spotify, if you don't, you can still click it but it won't work and you'll just get upset)

Most bands are Guitar-based
Some are Synth-based
If you're really lucky you might find a Vocal-based band*
White Rabbits are a Drum-based band, this is awesome.

They're not amazingly well known, they've been around a couple of years apparently but I only found out about them when they were the support for a Hockey (I think it was Hockey, I'm too lazy to check) gig. They're almost just another American Indie Band. Almost, but not quite. If you asked them, they'd say they were "Honkey Tonk Calypso" (or they used to, this album, not so much) which just adds to the list of amazing genres lately. But the kicker is that they have a drummer, a piano, two guitars, a bassist and A DRUMMER. Do not adjust your eyes, this is not a drill. They have 2 drummers.

Well, this is actually quite normal at the moment. When I went to ATP just over a year ago, I'd say 70% of the bands had 2 drummers, but they were all heavy, loud bands with more distortion than terrestrial TV and more amps than ... an amp shop.... or something....

Anyway, my point is that this is an indie band with 2 times more drum. This gives a whole new sound to things, it's mental. Or maybe it would be better to say it makes a whole plethora of new sounds available. When you've got them both going full throttle it sounds like rhythm is angry at you and is trying to destroy your mind because you stole its wife but when everything kicks back and the drums drop back and to one in each ear then its like rhythm's fine with the whole wife thing and suggests a threesome.

These 2 things make up White Rabbits' brand new album It's Frightening. 

That's the opening track and pretty obviously one of the first group, rhythm's wife must be really hot for him to be that angry.

Musically, they're really nicely balanced between the drums vocals and piano with the guitar mainly just coming in for the odd sentence here and there. When it all kicks off it really is like some sort of divine orgy inside your skull. For something so hard-edged it really is beautiful sometimes. Don't worry, I'm thinking the same: "If you love them so much, why don't you marry them", and you know what, I would happily make them my wife. Or, I would if that made any sense at all.

The album as a whole is actually pretty amazing. Sure, it could do with a few more tracks like that one there but overall it's a kind of kinky parade of mellow, sardonic joy. But maybe I just mean quirky. That's beside the point, the point is that it's great. There's a certain je ne sais quoi but I am here to sais quoi about this sort of thing so I guess it's a sort of musical wit. I suppose it actually sounds pretty English in a lot of ways. I've not gone through and listened to the lyrics properly but I guess they're pretty self-deprecating, there's nothing immodest going on here. There's flashes of introspective melancholy all through it. But I suppose you get that a lot in New York stuff don't you.

To some up that mess of a conscience stream, it's a bold, subtle, witty, introverted, clever, visceral album that's just what you need if you're feeling down, up or even sideways. So go on, go find rhythm's wife and see what he has to say about it.

I sound so sexually obsessed.

* There's quite I few nowerdays, I'd argue Mumford & Sons and people like that are.

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