You may have noticed it says "SPECIAL:" up there, if it says Co-inky-link then you're not looking far enough, little bit more, there you go. What was I saying? Oh yes, "SPECIAL:". Well it's "SPECIAL:" because it's a request review, that is a review requested by a third party. In this case the third party is not the Lib Dems but Howlie, who almost all of the people (but not all) will know from Mark Watson related activities. Anyway, this isn't the first thing she requested I do but that was a EP and I couldn't be bothered to write a lot about a little amount of music. But anyway I asked her for another one and she gave me this...
The New Pornographers are a band, not Pornographers at all. Once you get past this confusion you find out they're pretty much An American Indie Band but as with the case with almost all of the bands in the sector they don't fit in it very well. Yeah they sound like the kind of Vampire Weekend stuff we're used to these days (I should point out now that due to the nature of this review I've only heard one of their albums (well, not even very much of it yet) and it's from 2003, 7 years ago these days. For all I know they could now be on a voyage into Reggae Metal.)but they also sound pretty much like The Shins or anyone like that.
See, kinda crazy, no?
You may have noticed in that video that there was a mansinger and a ladysinger and when a mansinger and a ladysinger love each other very much they make sweet, sweet music. I think that sometimes female women singing in bands like this does result in something that sounds like a 90's Japanese Girlgroup but I think even when she is singing you don't get drawn into that trap. (Hmm, turns out I was listening to it on shuffle, I won't complain about the ordering of the album then). It's sublime, it's rediculous, it's cheery, slightly cheesy, clever and charming in its simplicity.
It'll hook you in with its... hooks and keep you guessing with its twisty turny twisty turniness. It's got as many organs as Mrs. Lovett's meat pies. It'll put a great big smile on your face AND its got a monkey in a amp on the front cover. Is that a bit mean? Yes it is. Is it entertaining? Without a doubt.
Lookat'im. He is not interested in that white thing. He's got his own things to do, like wearing a ruff. He's a Stuart gent. He makes me happy.
I feel I've become sidetracked.
This album I'm reviewing, it's really good. If you feel a bit down, listen to it, look at the monkey, do a silly little dance. It's very good music to do a silly little dance to. It's very good music to do most things to.
It's very good music.
That seems a bit short, it wouldn't have taken me that long to write that amount. I'll tell you the truth, I forgot about this post. I always seem to apologise about one thing or the other on here. Maybe if I just thank Howlie, it'll be fine.
Thank you Howlie.
I enjoyed that.
Very good.